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Make Your Voice Heard by Voting in the School Board Elections

Make Your Voice Heard by Voting in the School Board Elections

School board elections are taking place in 65 counties across Oklahoma this Tuesday, February 8, 2022. Elections are an opportunity to have your voice heard and be the change you want to see in the education system. Click here to see the ballot propositions in your area.

Oklahoma Parents for Student Achievement (OPSA) knows the importance of fighting for quality education for every single student. Our mission is to empower you to bring about the changes needed to give your student the quality education they deserve. 

Unfortunately, the outcomes of primary school board elections are often decided by a small pool of participating voters, which equals less than 5% of all registered individuals. Your vote can make a BIG difference! 

Every parent has a busy schedule and it can be a challenge to make it to the polls on Tuesday. That’s why it’s important to be aware of all your opportunities to vote. Alternative voting methods include: 

  • Requesting an absentee ballot
  • Early voting on the days leading up to the election

Absentee ballots can also be requested for one election or for an entire year. However, they need to be requested in advance of election day, generally 15 days prior. So, make sure to mark your calendar with the election date and the absentee ballot request deadline. Oklahoma law also requires absentee ballots to be notarized before they are submitted. This service is free and also offered at many banks, credit unions, and libraries. You can learn more about absentee voting and make a ballot request at Standard Absentee Voters (oklahoma.gov). 

Early voting is another great alternative to voting in person. Early voting takes place on Thursday, Friday, and in some cases Saturday before the election. You do not need to provide an explanation to participate in early voting and it is open to all voters. Check out Early Voting (oklahoma.gov) to find your early voting site and learn more.

One of the ways OPSA is working to help parents is through our support of Simplify the Date. Increase the Vote., a bill up for consideration in the 2022 legislative session. SB962 would move school board election dates so that they align with general election dates to increase voter turnout. This would not only give parents a better chance to advocate for their children’s education, but also save taxpayer money by eliminating the need for an extra election day. 

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for February 8 to submit your call for change. Now is the time to put education back in the hands of parents. 

To learn more about election dates and deadlines, visit the Oklahoma State Board Election website.

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