2025 Solutions

Oklahoma's students deserve every opportunity to get the best education possible.

Prioritizing Oklahoma students by increasing their access to a quality education.

We're working with stakeholders across the state to build new avenues that allow all families — regardless of location, income, or circumstance — to give their children the best chance for academic success and a bright future.

OPSA's Legislative Agenda

Third Grade Reading Reforms

The Strong Readers Act modifies use of the Statewide Literacy Revolving Fund. It changes requirements for teacher preparation programs to complete specialty training.

STATUS: Awaiting a hearing in the Senate Education Committee.

 View Senate Bill 841

Ensure Students Are Math Ready

The Math Achievement and Proficiency Act adjusts the standards and practices related to the education of mathematics in public schools, including a fund to supplement new programs related to improving math proficiency.

STATUS: Passed the Senate Education Committee; awaiting a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

  View Senate Bill 215

Parental Consent For IEP Changes

The bill directs the Department of Education to develop separate parental consent sections for changes within a special education student's individualized education program (IEP) related to the alternate diploma and/or placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

STATUS: Passed the House Common Education Committee, awaiting a hearing in the House Education Oversight Committee.

View House Bill 1393

Developing Standards to Implement the Least Restrictive Environment

This legislation directs the Oklahoma Department of Education to create implementation standards of LRE to ensure students with special needs are not unnecessarily excluded. 

STATUS: Passed the House Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee, awaiting a hearing in the House Appropriations and Budget Committee. 

  View House Bill 2247

Prohibit The Practice Of Corporal Punishment On Students With Disabilities

This bill prohibits school personnel from using corporal punishment on students identified as having disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), removing the previous option for parental consent waivers.

STATUS: Passed the Senate floor with a vote of 31 to 16, awaiting a hearing in the House.

View Senate Bill 364

Extend Eligibility For The LNH Scholarship 

These bills will modify the qualification standards for the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship to extend eligibility of vulnerable students.

STATUS: Awaiting a hearing in the House Rules Committee.

  View House Bill 2928

STATUS: Passed the Senate Education Committee, awaiting a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee. 

  View Senate Bill 105

Federal Legislation: Educational Choice for Children Act

The ECCA would provide K-12 scholarships for as many as two million students across America to attend schools that best meet their educational needs as determined by their parents. Under this bill, $10 billion in federal tax credits would be available for individuals and businesses that contribute to non-profit scholarship-granting organizations. The funds could be used to pay for tuition, tutoring, special needs services, homeschooling curriculum materials, and education technology, among other eligible uses. Scholarships would be funded with private donations, not federal dollars, and donors would receive a federal tax credit.

Learn More About The ECCA

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Senate Education Committee

The Oklahoma Senate Education Committee is responsible for reviewing and shaping legislation related to the state's education system, including K-12 schools, higher education, and career and technology education. It evaluates proposed laws, oversees educational policies, and ensures compliance with state and federal regulations before advancing bills to the full Senate for consideration.

Chair: Adam Pugh

Vice Chair: Ally Seifried

Dusty Deevers

Jo Anna Dossett

Carri Hicks

Kelly Hines

Mark Mann

Roland Pederson

Dave Rader

Aaron Reinhardt

Kendal Sacchieri

Email the Senate Education Committee: If you would like to email the entire committee, copy the emails below. 

adam.pugh@oksenate.gov; ally.seifried@oksenate.gov; dusty.deevers@oksenate.gov; joanna.dossett@oksenate.gov; carri.hicks@oksenate.gov; kelly.hines@oksenate.gov; mark.mann@oksenate.gov; roland.pederson@oksenate.gov; dave.rader@oksenate.gov; aaron.reinhardt@oksenate.gov; kendal.sacchieri@oksenate.gov 

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee On Education

The Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education helps decide how much money schools, colleges, and other education programs in the state should get. They review budgets, make funding recommendations, and ensure education money is spent wisely before sending their decisions to the full Senate for approval.

Chair: Adam Pugh

Vice Chair: Ally Seifried

Mary Boren

Jonathan Wingard

Dusty Deevers

Aaron Reinhardt

Email the Senate Education Committee: If you would like to email the entire committee, copy the emails below. 

adam.pugh@oksenate.gov; ally.seifried@oksenate.gov; dusty.deevers@oksenate.gov; mary.boren@oksenate.gov; aaron.reinhardt@oksenate.gov; jonathan.wingard@oksenate.gov 

Senate Leadership

The Oklahoma Senate Leadership includes important senators who help run the Senate and make big decisions about laws and policies. They guide discussions, set priorities, and make sure the Senate works smoothly to create and pass laws for the state.

President Pro Tempore: Lonnie Paxton

Floor Leader: Julie Daniels

Assistant Floor Leader: Paul Rosino

Assistant Floor Leader: Todd Gollihare

Majority Whip: Bill Coleman

Assistant Majority Whip: Casey Murdock

Assistant Majority Whip: Roland Pederson

Assistant Majority Whip: Brenda Stanley

Appropriations Chair: Chuck Hall

Appropriations Vice Chair: John Haste

Republican Caucus Chair: Dave Rader

Republican Caucus Vice Chair: Warren Hamilton

Rural Caucus Chair: Darcy Jech

Chief Presiding Officer: Brent Howard

Democratic Leader: Julia Kirt

Democratic Caucus Chair: Michael Brooks

Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Carri Hicks

Deputy Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Regina Goodwin

Democratic Caucus Whip: Jo Anna Dossett


Email the Senate Leadership: If you would like to email all of the Senators in Leadership, copy the emails below. 

lonnie.paxton@oksenate.govjulie.daniels@oksenate.gov; paul.rosino@oksenate.gov; todd.gollihare@oksenate.gov; bill.coleman@oksenate.gov; casey.murdock@oksenate.gov; roland.pederson@oksenate.gov; brenda.stanley@oksenate.gov; chuck.hall@oksenate.gov; john.haste@oksenate.gov; dave.rader@oksenate.gov; warren.hamilton@oksenate.gov; darcy.jech@oksenate.gov; brent.howard@oksenate.gov; julia.kirt@oksenate.govmichael.brooks@oksenate.gov; carri.hicks@oksenate.gov; regina.goodwin@oksenate.gov; joanna.dossett@oksenate.gov 

House Education Oversight Committee

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Education Oversight Committee monitors and evaluates the state's education system to ensure compliance with laws and proper use of funds. It reviews policies, tracks school performance, and recommends changes to improve education for students and teachers.

Chair: Dell Kerbs

Vice Chair: Chad Caldwell

Toni Hasenbeck

John Kane

Dick Lowe

Melissa Provenzano

Jim Shaw

John Waldron

Tammy West

Max Wolfley

Email the House Education Oversight Committee: If you would like to email the entire committee, copy the emails below. 

dell.kerbs@okhouse.gov; chad.caldwell@okhouse.gov;  toni.hasenback@okhouse.gov; john.kane@okhouse.gov; mike.kelley@okhouse.gov; dick.lowe@okhouse.gov; melissa.provenzano@okhouse.gov; jim.shaw@okhouse.gov; tammy.west@okhouse.gov; max.wolfley@okhouse.gov 

House Common Education Committee

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Common Education Committee reviews and develops laws related to public schools from kindergarten through high school. It considers policies on school funding, curriculum, teacher standards, and other issues affecting students and educators before sending bills to the House Education Oversight Committee for approval.

Chair: Dick Lowe

Vice Chair: Danny Sterling

Chris Banning

Chad Caldwell

Rob Hall

Molly Jenkins

Ronny Johns

Cody Maynard

Ellen Pogemiller

Jacob Rosencrants

Mark Tedford

Email the House Common Education Committee: If you would like to email the entire committee, copy the emails below. 

dick.lowe@okhouse.gov; danny.sterling@okhouse.gov; chris.banning@oksenate.gov; chad.caldwell@okhouse.gov; rob.hall@okhouse.gov; molly.jenkins@okhouse.gov; ronny.johns@okhouse.gov; cody.maynard@okhouse.gov; ellen.pogemiller@okhouse.gov; jacob.rosecrants@okhouse.gov; mark.tedford@okhouse.gov 

House Education Appropriations Subcommittee

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Education Appropriations Subcommittee helps decide how much money public schools, colleges, and education programs receive. They review budgets, allocate funds, and ensure education money is used effectively before sending their recommendations to the full Appropriations Committee and House for approval.

Chair: Chad Caldwell

Vice Chair: Toni Hasenbeck

Chris Banning

Ronny Johns

Dick Lowe

Michelle McCane

Mike Osburn

Mark Tedford

John Waldron

Gabe Woolley

Email the House Common Education Committee: If you would like to email the entire committee, copy the emails below. 

chad.caldwell@okhouse.gov; toni.hasenback@okhouse.gov; chris.banning@oksenate.gov; ronny.johns@okhouse.gov; dick.lowe@okhouse.gov; michelle.mccane@okhouse.gov; mike.osburn@okhouse.gov; mark.tedford@okhouse.gov; john.waldron@okhouse.gov; gabe.woolley@okhouse.gov 

House Leadership

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Leadership includes legislators who help run the House and make important decisions about laws and policies. They guide discussions, set priorities, and ensure the House of Representatives works smoothly to create and pass laws for the state.

Speaker of the House: Kyle Hilbert

Speaker Pro Tem: Anthony Moore

Majority Floor Leader: Josh West

Deputy Floor Leader: John Pfeiffer

Deputy Floor Leader: Steve Bashore

Majority Leader: Mark Lawson

Deputy Majority Leader: Toni Hasenbeck

Majority Whip: Tammy West

Appropriations Chair: Trey Caldwell

Appropriations Vice Chair: John Kane

Caucus Chair: Stan May

Caucus Vice Chair: Nick Archer

Tribal & External Affairs: Scott Fetgatter

Counselor to the Speaker: Chris Kannady

Assistant Floor Leader: Gerrid Kendrix

Assistant Floor Leader: Collin Duel

Assistant Whip: Daniel Pae

Assistant Whip: Eric Roberts

Assistant Whip: Neil Hays

Assistant Whip: Chris Banning

Caucus Secretary: Josh Cantrell

Assistant Whip: Erick Harris

Democratic Leader: Cyndi Munson

Democratic Floor Leader: Andy Fugate

Democratic Whip: Mickey Dollens

Democratic Caucus Vice Chair: John Waldron

Assistant Democratic Leader: Melissa Provenzano

Democratic Caucus Chair: Trish Ranson

Email the House Leadership: If you would like to email all of the Representatives in Leadership, copy the emails below. 

kyle.hilbert@okhouse.gov; anthony.moore@okhouse.gov josh.moore@okhouse.gov; john.pfeiffer@okhouse.gov; steve.bashore@okhouse.gov; mark.lawson@okhouse.gov; toni.hasenback@okhouse.gov; tammy.west@okhouse.gov; trey.caldwell@okhouse.gov; john.kane@okhouse.gov; stan.may@okhouse.gov; nick.archer@okhouse.gov;  scott.fetgatter@okhouse.gov; chris.kannady@okhouse.gov; gerrid.kendrix@okhouse.gov; collin.duel@okhouse.gov; daniel.pae@okhouse.gov; josh.cantrell@okhouse.gov; erick.harris@okhouse.gov; cyndi.munson@okhouse.goveric.roberts@okhouse.gov; neil.hays@okhouse.gov; chris.banning@okhouse.gov; andy.fugate@okhouse.gov; mickey.dollens@okhouse.gov; john.waldron@okhouse.gov; melissa.provenzano@okhouse.gov; trish.ranson@okhouse.gov 

Committee Meeting Schedules

All legislation begins in a committee. If you are supporting, or against education legislation you can attend a meeting where that legislation will be heard and voted on. Need more information? Contact OPSA at parents@okpsaedu.org.  

House Committee Meeting Schedule

Senate Committee Meeting Schedule

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